Who We Are

What we do


  • Telecommunications and technology consulting
  • ICT for development (ICT4D)
  • Program and project management
  • Business process engineering
  • Technical writing and editing

Who we serve


  • Industry
  • Government
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • International development community
  • Not-for-profits
  • Academia

Where we work


We combine our global reach with local resources wherever our clients need us.

What We Stand For

Our Vision

To help create a global digital community that transcends borders and cultures

Our Mission

To empower our clients worldwide to leverage technology to achieve impactful and lasting results

Our Values

  • Operate with honor and integrity in all we do
  • Respect ourselves and everyone with whom we work
  • Provide professional and technical excellence
  • Be responsible and accountable
  • Cooperate and collaborate
  • Deliver value
  • Give back

Our Philosophy


A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.


 – Michael LeBouef, American business author and former management professor